Haven Cleaning and Restoration provides effective, thorough professional mold removal in Rancho Cucamonga and water damage repair to Rancho Cucamonga and the surrounding area. No matter how bad your mold problem has become, we’ll clear it for you promptly, thoroughly, and meticulously. Our attention to detail, high-grade equipment, and expert approach ensures success in eliminating unwanted, potentially hazardous mold.
Mold is a fungus that produces tiny spores. Mold spores are found in the indoor and outdoor air continuously. When spores land on damp indoor spots, they may begin growing on them to survive. Some molds can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods.
When excessive moisture accumulates indoors, mold growth will often occur, if the problem is unaddressed. Molds produce allergens, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances. Inhaling or touching mold may cause allergic reactions. If you are concerned about mold, we can provide a visual and comprehensive moisture inspection. An air test by a certified testing agent can also be done.
Mold can be found in any room of a house. It can be on walls, floors, ceilings, inside closets, under carpets, and even inside walls. It can be anywhere that there’s excessive moisture. If damage is found, mold remediation is necessary to remove the mold and to prevent human exposure and further damage to building materials. It is essential to clean up mold contamination, not just kill the mold. Haven Cleaning and Restoration also offer fire damage cleaning services.
Although some people might think that successful mold removal in Rancho Cucamonga can be achieved through just the use of a biocide, the reality is that killing the mold is not enough to safeguard the health of the premises’ occupants. The proteins and compounds in the mold that can cause health problems in humans will still be present, even if the mold is dead. This means the mold and mold spores need to be removed for effective decontamination to be achieved.
For our mold damage removal services, we use a combination of HEPA filtering, physical removal of moldy items, and a powerful biocide to ensure that as many spores as possible are removed from your property. Whilst it’s impossible to remove every single spore (a small concentration of mold spores is present in clean air), we can ensure that levels are as low as possible.